  • La Biosthetique Methode Normalisante Lotion Hydrotoxa - Hair Art and Beauty

La Biosthetique Methode Normalisante Lotion Hydrotoxa

Lotion Hydrotoxa is a leave-on lotion to treat sweaty scalps. It has an anti-bacterial and gentle astringent effect, reducing sweat production immediately, while also disinfecting the scalp and restoring weakened hair. 

Lotion Hydrotoxa is also perfect for those with active lifestyles and can be used preventatively before physical activity to inhibit sweat production.

The active ingredient complex, Complexe Hydrotoxa, neutralizes the aggressive components of sweat gland secretions and normalizes cellular metabolism, increasing hair cells' energy levels. Refreshing herbal extracts of stinging nettle, rosemary, sage, and lavender condition and disinfect, and deodorise the scalp. This deodorizing lotion relieves itchiness and irritation and keeps hair looking fresh for longer.Usage: Apply directly to the scalp on clean, towel dried hair. Massage and leave in.

Key Active Ingredients: Lysan Aspartate, Nettle, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, Dandelion, Yeast

  • $39.50