  • La Biosthetique Methode Normalisante Shampoo Hydrotoxa - Hair Art and Beauty

La Biosthetique Methode Normalisante Shampoo Hydrotoxa


Shampooing Hydrotoxa is a deodorizing shampoo designed for individuals who have sweaty or moist scalps. It contains a complex of effective active ingredients that gently cleanse straggly hair and reduce perspiration from the scalp's pores.

Shampoo Hydrotoxa helps maintain natural volume for longer, slows sweat production, and improves hair quality by preventing ammonia in sweat from degrading fine, delicate hair. With consistent use, the scalp becomes clear and fresh, and the hair is given natural volume and shine. It is recommended for those who exercise, are under stress, going through puberty or menopause, or perform athletic sports to keep their hair fresh and scalp clear for longer.

Usage: Apply directly to the scalp on wet hair. Work into a lather, then rinse well.

Key Active Ingredients: Lysan Aspartate, Nettle, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender


  • $40.90